Application areas
Application area

Application areas

Electric vehicle

Electric vehicle

The system can be used in various types of vehicles, buses, trucks, passenger cars, yachts, etc., and is widely used.

Low-speed electric vehicle

Widely used in various types of forklifts, AGV, robots, large-capacity electric vehicles and light electric vehicles and other fields

Low-speed electric vehicle
Standby power storage

Standby power storage

Product coverage includes small power, various energy storage systems and other fields

Communication power supply

Electric cattle new power products should be widely used in communication power supply, household storage and other fields.

Communication power supply
industrial and commercial energy storage

industrial and commercial energy storage

Small industrial and commercial centers can take advantage of peak-valley differences to reduce electricity costs; upgrade and expand the distribution capacity of existing industrial and commercial power grids.

Large Energy Storage

Large storage capacity, combinable, movable, remote operation, to meet a variety of application scenarios; integration: flexible configuration, easy to expand capacity; security: all-round real-time monitoring; high income: energy optimization management;

Large Energy Storage